- frequency
- 1. n
1) частота2) частотність2. aчастотний◊
on a frequency — на частоті
to change the frequency — змінювати частоту
to convert the frequency — перетворювати частоту
to guard the frequency — прослуховувати частоту (радіозв'язку)
to monitor the frequency — контролювати задану частоту
to select the frequency — обирати частоту
to transmit on frequency of... — вести передавання [зв'язок] на частоті ...
•- allocated frequency - alternate frequency - audio frequency - bass frequency - beat frequency - blade passing frequency - calling frequency - cut-off frequency - distress frequency - emergency frequency - en-route frequency - extremely high frequency - forced oscillation frequency - frequency of operations - geometric mean frequency - high frequency - international distress frequency - interrogation frequency - listening frequency - natural frequency - octave-band center frequency - offset frequency - operating frequency - overall frequency - pulsations frequency - primary frequency - pulsations frequency - pulse repetition frequency - radio frequency - receiving frequency - reference frequency - resonant frequency - scan frequency - scheduled maintenance frequency - secondary frequency - side frequency - standard frequency - standby frequency - ultra-high frequency - very high frequency - vibration frequency - video frequency - watch frequency - working frequency
Англійсько-український словник авіаційних термінів / Уклад.: Р.О. Гільченко. - К.: НАУ. 2009.